b'Annual Report 2023/24Volunteering At Praxis CareThere are befriending services acrossIn addition to befrienders, volunteersPraxis Care1virtualthe Northern Health and Social Caredelivered arts and crafts, ran activities,Volunteers volunteer Trust, Derry/Londonderry, Belfast,facilitated Knit & Knatter sessions,2023/24Antrim, Mid-Ulster/Magherafelt and thehelped with gardening and at events. 11BoardIsle of Man.members1ROI 10685 8 volunteer VolunteerbefriendersregisteredvolunteersTeam Days 182volunteers (other roles)volunteers 8313volunteering different sites Northern1 enquiries Ireland site 20 volunteersRepublic27of Irelanddays 1 910dayshours total100 hours total68 69'