b'Annual Report 2023/24Care & Development: Republic Of IrelandThe past year has marked an exciting period of growth for Praxis Carein the Republic of Ireland. We are proud to have launched fourCo. Meath, the conference brought new services: Foxford Bespoketogether 150 stakeholders, experts, and residential support, Canal View inadvocates to discuss key challenges and Monaghan, which supports threeinnovative solutions in the sector. The individuals, and Killylastin and Woodvaleconference was opened by Anne in Donegal, both offering residentialRabbitte, Minister of State for the support for up to five individuals. TheseDepartment of Children, Equality, new homes enable us to expand ourDisability, Youth & Integration, who services for adults with intellectualreaffirmed the governments disabilities, autism, and associatedcommitment to ensuring no one is left mental health needs. Each residence isbehind. Keynote speakers offered designed to provide critical,valuable perspectives on technological individualised care that helps those weinnovations, the social isolation manycommitted to growing and developing support lead more fulfilling andindividuals with disabilities experienceour services. We continue to focus on independent lives. Additionally, weand how to combat it, and theinternal staff development with a clear continue to grow our day services inimportance of inclusive workplaces andsuccession pathway to ensure consistent, partnership with the HSE, delivering Newmeaningful employment opportunities. high-quality support for all who choose to Directions-led Day Opportunities foraccess our services. We are confident in school leavers within their communities. A memorable moment from theour ability to provide exceptional care conference was Luke ODalyswhile pursuing innovative approaches to After a four-year pause due to thepresentation of a video showcasing atackle recruitment and retention pandemic, we revived our conference inday in his life, demonstrating hischallenges in the sector.Ireland. Titled Making the Rightnewfound independence and theAmanda GrayConnections, the event aimed tojourney that made it possible. Looking ahead, our focus will remain onDirector of Care and Development advance inclusion and empowermentstrengthening and enriching our serviceRepublic Of Irelandfor individuals with autism and learningAlongside these positive developments,offerings while maintaining the highest / intellectual disabilities. Held at thewe have continued to face somestandards of care for those we support.CityNorth Hotel & Conference Centre inchallenges. However, we remain30 31'