b'Annual Report 2023/24Celebrating Success In Great BritainAnd Isle Of ManThis years GB and IOM Celebrating Success Awards wereThe event broughtAdam Hunts journeyAward highlights Praxis held at the Heart of England Conference Centre in Coventry.together esteemedembodies the ethos ofCares commitment to The ceremony aimed to honour the remarkableguests, staff, andPraxis Care,empowering individuals achievements and resilience of the people the charityfinalists, shining ademonstrating resiliencewith disabilities to achieve spotlight on theand personal growth.their full potential. Adams supports, showcasing inspiring stories that capture theoutstandingTransitioning todetermination, along with spirit of the Praxis Care community. accomplishments ofindependent living, nosupport from his family and individuals who havelonger being supportedstaff team around him, is an overcome challengesdaily by his parents,example to everyone of and demonstratedAdam embraced his newwhat you can do with the exceptionallifestyle with enthusiasm.right attitude and determination.His schedule is packedpersistence.Among the deservingwith college andThe awards ceremony, winners is Adam Hunt,community activities.hosted by Praxis Care board who received theMoving out of his familymember Jason Rance, prestigious Milestonehome into Warwickshirefeatured heartfelt speeches Mastery Award. ThisSupported Living Serviceand celebrated winners in award is the most soughtwas a huge step. Despiteother categories including after and competitivethe massive change inCommunity Involvement, category. Finalistshis life, every outcomeCo-Production, Health and achieved excellenthoped for in his first yearWell-Being, and Praxis Care outcomes that haveon his own wasTalent. Each winner enhanced their quality ofachieved. He has builtshowcased exceptional life or the quality of life ofmeaningful relationshipsdedication, resilience and others. They must havewith his support team,commitment to their made significantlearned how to upkeepcommunities andmeasurable progress inhis home and do hispersonal growth.the previous year withshopping. their individual goals. Adams recognition with the Milestone Mastery 40 41'