b'Annual Report 2023/24OurServicesAccommodation & Support Home Response / Domiciliary Care Work skill / Day Activity Short BreaksWe offer a variety of accommodationPraxis Care delivers several hundredAt Praxis Care, we believe that everyPraxis Care provides short breaks for models, including residential carehours of home response support eachindividual has the right to meaningfulindividuals living in family homes, homes, group living, residential flatweek, offering a vital connection to thedaily activities. To support this, we haveoffering them a chance to experience a clusters, dispersed intensivelyoutside world for those we support.developed a wide range of diversionaldifferent environment. These breaks supported housing (DISH), and These services play a key role inand educational programs that cater topromote independence, social other housing and support options.reducing feelings of isolation, whichdiverse needs and enhance quality ofinteraction, and new experiences, while These services provide individuals can often intensify mental healthlife. These activities empowergiving carers the opportunity to with the opportunity to live in achallenges. individuals to actively participate in andrecharge. Short breaks are available in community setting that best meets Our staff provide practical assistancecontribute to their local communities,residential settings or the individuals their unique needs. with home management and dailyfostering greater integration andown home. This includes residential care forliving tasks, alongside emotional andinclusion.children with learning disabilities orsocial support. They also help monitor autism, whose families may not beboth physical and mental wellbeing,able to provide full-time care at home. and when needed, can assist with personal care tasks. 14 15'