b'Annual Report 2023/24Praxis Care SurveysEach year, Praxis Care conducts comprehensive surveys with our stakeholders and the people we support to gather valuable feedback on our services. assess the level ofand GovernanceStakeholder surveysatisfaction with ourDepartment. Overall satisfaction in our Engaging directly withareas for improvement.Survey of people weservices and, moreThis year, we received 746latest survey remained commissioners, housingThis feedback is a crucialsupport importantly, identify areascompleted surveys, anhigh, with a positive trend partners, statutorypart of our commitment towhere we can improve. Toimpressive 92% responseof 96.6%. Notably, there professionals, familycontinuous growth andAt Praxis Care, weensure we respond understand theeffectively, any area withrate. We are pleased towas a 16.8% increase in members, and theservice excellence,importance of activelyreport that no area of thethe response rate for individuals in our careguiding us in makingless than 80% satisfactionsurvey scored below 80%2023-24 compared to the allows us to assessmeaningful, data- listening to the people weautomatically triggers a support. Their feedback islocal action plan, which issatisfaction, and overall,previous year, with 368 satisfaction, celebrateinformed enhancementsessential in helping uswe achieved a fantasticresponses collected.successes, and identifyacross our organisation.overseen by our Qualitysatisfaction rate of 92%.Survey of people we support Stakeholder survey100% 1% 1% 1%2% 3% 3% 2% 2% Overall satisfaction 96% 6% 1%5% 4% 6%95% 5% 6%7% 6% Range of services 93% 10% 1%90% 10% Quality of services 97% 4% 1%85% 96% 94% 96% Relationship with parents 97% 5% 1%93% 92%91% 91%80% Praxis Care staff 97% 3% 1%84%Praxis Care values 97% 3% 1%75%Quality of life Kindness Involvement Saftey Complaints Money Family & OverallFriends 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%Yes Unsure No10 11'