b'Annual Report 2023/24Shaping t he Future disability advocate addressedIve socialised with people beyond the ongoing societal challengemy wildest dreams, she said of providing effective and safe Of Social Care Forservices for individuals withdescribing how she feels more in control of her life as a result of her co-occurring mental healthwork. Concluding her presentation, Complex Needs problems, learning disabilities,she said, I feel the world is my and/or autism. Renownedoyster.experts and speakers fromDanielle McIlroy, who presented on The importance of engaging individuals in decision-makingboth international and Northernthe crucial topic of mental capacity, processes related to their own lives and their programmesIreland-based institutionsbest interests, and decision-of care was underscored at the first Complex Needsshared valuable insights andmaking, shared insights from her Research Conference at Queens University Belfast.research findings on this crucialPhD project supported by Praxis area of research, policy, andCare. Her research focused on the service provision. experiences of individuals with Speakers emphasised alearning disabilities and the person-centred approach thatperspectives of professionals recognises the autonomy andinvolved in Best Interests rights of individuals receivingprocesses.social care services. This event was supported by HSC Renowned experts and speakers fromProfessor Gavin Davidson delivered hisPresentations covered a wideR&D Division, Public Health Agency international and Northern Ireland- inaugural lecture showcasing hisrange of topics, including active[DIS/5756/23 DIS/3855/08] and based institutions emphasised ajourney from a support worker at Praxissupport, eliminating restrictiveQueens University Belfast.person-centred approach thatCares Kimberley House to his role aspractices, trauma-informed recognises the autonomy and rights ofthe first Praxis Care Chair of Social Carecare, physical design ofGreer Wilson, Director of Care & individuals receiving social careat QUB. He said: Research is crucial tosupported accommodation andDevelopment Northern Ireland at services. inform service development andthe human rights perspective.Praxis Care, concluded the day Speakers including Professor Julieimprove lives. Praxis Caressaying, People will have a better Beadle-Brown and Professor Jillcommitment to being open, supportiveKatherine Greer, a peerservice today than they did Bradshaw from the Tizard Centre,and engaged with research isresearcher with livedyesterday, and a better service University of Kent, and Associateexceptional in the social care sector. experience of accessing mentaltomorrow than they had today, Professor Linda Steele from theThe event which brought together ahealth services, talked aboutbecause of research.University of Technology, Sydneydiverse audience of 100 attendees,the projects she has shared valuable insights and researchincluding social care workers,contributed to. Ms Greer said findings on this crucial area ofmanagement, commissioners,the opportunity to work on research, policy, and service provision. researchers, students, carers, andresearch has made a huge impact on her life. 64 65'