b'Annual Report 2023/24Praxis ResearchPraxis Cares Research Department identifies evidence-based practice and service models relevant to our core groups. This is done via literature reviews andarticles and book chapters on theThe research department also by conducting in-house evaluationsbenefits of green and blue spaces forfacilitated Praxis Cares Complex Needs and commissioned research in themental wellbeing and engaging adultsConference at Queens University areas of learning disabilities, autism,in the social work assessment. Belfast. (More information on the mental health, care of older peopleIn 2023/24, a review of interventionsconference follows on the next page.)and other health and social careused within all our services wasThere are a number of primary issues. The Praxis Care Researchupdated in order to compare withresearch initiatives in which we are Department also collaborates onthose which have been shown to becurrently involved, including identifying research projects with universities andeffective by research. The outcomethe accommodation needs of people other service providers including ancontinues to confirm that what wewith mental health issues in ROI and international scoping review of peerwere setting out to do was in line withevaluations of our Kaleidoscope and support working.the evidence base and identified somePlasden Court services. Priorities for Recent partners include Queensapproaches and interventions whichnew research projects include University of Belfast, Maynoothcould be considered to further developidentifying the most effective ways to University, Impact Research Centreservices.support staff working with behaviours and Peer Advocacy in Mental Health.The next step is to ensure that ourwhich challenge (in support of our During 2023/24, Praxis Care Researchtraining and practice fully reflects thatimproved retention objective), has been involved in supporting aresearch evidence in terms of content,technology to support interventions with number of PhD researchers toand uses the most effectivethe people we support and a project examine trauma informed care,approaches to translating researchwhich will consider how AI might positive behaviour support in routineevidence into services, thus improvingimpact social care.service provision and interventions foroutcomes for the people we support. people with autism spectrum disorder.We also need to build assurance into Members of the Department have alsoour internal audit.worked collaboratively with external colleagues to publish peer reviewed 62 63'