b'Annual Report 2023/24Meet Beechcote Supported Living ServiceThis year, Beechcote Supported Living Service proudlyopened its doors to residents in the Craigavon area,offering tailored care and support to individualswith disabilities. The service provideson individualCurrently, the servicePeople supported by thishas been transformative,personal goals, from flexible support across acircumstances. supports five individualsservice have expressedsaid Jamie McGurk,learning to manage their range of livingA key focus of Beechcoteacross two premises.their satisfaction withAssistant Manager ofown homes to environments, includingis fostering independenceThese individualstheir new livingBeechcote Supportedembracing new social single, joint, and groupand active lifestyles.previously resided inarrangements. OneLiving Service. Byand practical skills. Our settings. In collaborationThose supported arefull-time residential careresident, Mervyn Craig,offering tailored support,service is not just about with the Health andencouraged to pursuebut have transitioned toshared, Its great to haveweve seen individualsproviding careits Social Care Trusts, thehobbies, engage in theirmore independent livingmy own shower andgain confidence, take onabout empowering service ensureslocal communities, andarrangements betterprivacy. Anothernew responsibilities, andpeople to live the fullest individuals have timelytake ownership of dailysuited to their evolvingresident, John Hunsdale,become more integratedlife possible.access to the resourcesresponsibilities. Byneeds. With support fromreflected on learning newinto their communities. they need, whether thatpromoting these values,staff, they are skills, stating, I do missIts truly rewarding to means a few hours ofwe help individualsnow managinghaving a bus, but Imwitness them achieve support each day orachieve personalresponsibilities such asgoing to learn how to use 24-hour care, dependingaspirations whilecooking, using publicpublic transport and get becoming integraltransport, anda taxi.members of society. maintaining their homes. The impact this service has had on the lives of the people we support 26 27'