b'Annual Report 2022/23Care & Development: Republic Of IrelandAfter nearly 20 years of working in social care, including five years at Praxis Care, I was honoured to be appointed to the role of Director of Care and Development for the Republic of Ireland to replace Carol Breen. I look forward to continuing CarolsA cumulative total of 23 HIQA legacy of developing, growing andinspections were conducted across our maintaining services which are trulyservices, allowing us to demonstrate person-centred. Under her leadershipour rigorous standards to ensure the as CEO, we will continue to deliverservice quality and safety of the high quality services across Irelandindividuals we support.and make a difference in peoplesEach year brings its own lives.unprecedented challenges and This year, we celebrated the successfultriumphs. As you will see below in the establishment of four new services:renewed Celebrating Success Awards Station Lodge and Station House inand our Staff Awards, we have much Castlebar, Avalon in Navan and Fionato be proud of. Despite the transitions House in Donegal, supporting 12 newin leadership, our staff have stayed residents in total. All New Directionssteady, committed to their roles and day service locations increased incontinuously learning, growing and numbers of attendees. The diversity ofgiving their all to the people they services that we are able to expand issupport. The people we support made a testament to the work of our teamsimpressive strides to meet their goals, spread across the country whocontribute to their communities and continue to build and strengthen ourhelp others. reputation, year on year, with theOur heartfelt appreciation also goes caring and high quality support out to all the families, the Health they provide.24'