Kaleidoscope is a day service for adults located in Leicester.
We support young adults, aged 18+, with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). The attendees do not present aggressive or challenging behaviours, but typically require the use of a wheelchair and/or other physical support and mobility aids, are non-verbal or have severely impaired communication abilities and require highly specialised management for physical disabilities, sensory impairments and/or complex health and medical needs. This service is innovative and highly coproduced.
We deliver high quality day services that provide interesting, meaningful, fulfilling and varied activities for individuals to develop their skills and enjoy a social atmosphere during the day.
The service is conveniently located just to the south of Leicester City Centre. There is private parking and the building has been adapted to meet the needs of the attendees with accessible spaces, a therapy room equipped with a water bed and a sensory room with numerous pieces of sensory equipment for stimulation or relaxation. Staff are specially trained to manage a wide range of healthcare issues and medication support can be delivered by competent staff. The service also invites a number of therapists in to support with care needs and actively engages with the wider community to promote integration.
This service is funded through personal budgets or is commissioned by the Local Authorities.
Referrals can be made by families and professionals by contacting the service directly:
Manager contact: +44 (0) 7977363525
+44 (0) 116 478 6957
186 Knighton Lane, Leicester, LE2 8BF