Praxis Care provides services across a broad spectrum of needs. We provide support and accommodation approaches, which are shaped around the needs and preferences of the individual and reflects how they want to live their lives. We are acutely aware that getting the support and accommodation mix right for the individual is not an option but an essential foundation for sustained success.
At all levels of need we seek to identify the best solution available, with the individual and others who are important to them. This includes type and location of accommodation, who they live with and the support they need from our staff.
We are particularly motivated by our success in helping those with complex needs and who face the greatest challenges realise their ambitions of living in their own homes and being part of their communities.
We believe that complex needs should not prevent someone from having the opportunity of community living. Providing a person with the right living environment, with a person-centred support package, shaped around their needs and aspirations makes that possible and offers meaningful choice about the lives they lead.