b'Our ValuesPassionatelyPersonCaring Compassionate CentredPraxis Care is so muchCompassion for peopleWe assist people to make more than a job. We arewho face real challengesinformed choices about aware of the enormousin their lives is a definingtheir own lives and shape trust placed in us andcomponent of whatthe support they receive value the uniquenessmakes us Praxis Care. around their individual and potential of everyneeds and aspirations.person we support. ProtectingActing withInnovating IndividualsIntegrity & ImprovingThe best interests of theWe uphold the rights ofWe are committed to people we support areevery person, ensuringcontinuous innovation paramount. We worktheir confidentiality,through practice based in partnership withprivacy and dignityresearch, development other organisations,are respected. Actingof our staff and feedback safeguardingwith honesty andfrom the people we individuals, ensuringtransparency in allsupport.risk is managed, andinteractions with the encouraging positive people we support, their risk taking. families, our staff, our partners and the public.9'