b'Annual Report 2022/23Introduct ion From Our CEONavigating Change andAndys leadership hasgrowth in our services Embracing GrowthAbeen instrumental, and Ireflects our commitmentReflection on 2022-23 extend my heartfeltto meeting the diverse As we come together toappreciation for the solidneeds of individuals reflect on the financialfoundation he, the Boardacross Northern Ireland, year 2022-23, it is withand the rest of mythe Republic of Ireland, great enthusiasm and acolleagues on the seniorEngland and the Isledeep sense ofleadership team have laid. of Man.responsibility that I write toThe past year presentedIn the ever-evolving you as the new Chiefunique challenges, but itlandscape of health and Executive of Praxis Care.also showcased thesocial care, the depth of This annual report marksremarkable strength andtalent and dedication of the culmination of a yearadaptability of our team.our team continues tofilled with transition,We faced labour marketbe our greatest asset.resilience and collectiveshortages, housingOur corporate service dedication.constraints anddepartments, working Taking over the role frominflationary increasesdiligently behind the Andy Mayhew, I amacross all areas. At allscenes, ensuring quality, mindful of the legacy oftimes we continued oursafety and financial excellence and person- mission to providestability, provide the centred services thatunwavering support toessential frameworkPraxis Care embodies.those in our care. Thefor our continuedmodest yet significantsuccess.6'