b'Annual Report 2022/23Co-ResearchersAt Praxis CareFlexible,supportedemploymentOn the job advertisement, it said that you must have a current or past mental ill health and I was like, YES!I thought theyre actually goingto see it as an asset instead of a disadvantage for the job. So thatwas like Oh that sounds likethe type of people I wantto work for.Inclusive,bespoke trainingBefore the training Id been a bit unsure about what the level of involvement was going to be, whether it was going to be a just token thing, you know to tick the box to get funding which thankfully it hasnt been. Its been the complete opposite of it The training wasnt kind of something that was forced on us. It was a dialogue and you could see that the rest of the team were listening to what I said so it wasquite nice. It really was a teamso it was really good.54'