b'Annual Report 2022/23Praxis ResearchPraxis Cares Research Department identifies evidence-based practice and service models relevant to our core: those in receiptof our services. This is done via literature reviews andThe next step is to ensure that our by conducting in-house andtraining and practice fully reflects that commissioned research in the areas research evidence in terms of content of intellectual/learning disabilities,and uses the most effective mental health, care of older peopleapproaches to translating research and other health and social careevidence into services, thus improving issues. The Praxis Care Researchoutcomes for those we support. We Department also collaborates onalso need to build assurance into our research projects with universities andinternal audit.other service providers, including aThere are a number of primary study of staff recruitment, developmentresearch initiatives in which we are and retention in social care. Recentcurrently involved, including identifying partners include Queens Universitythe accommodation needs of people Belfast, the Mental Health Foundationwith mental ill health in ROI and and Ulster University. evaluations of our Cork and Plasden In 2022/23, a scoping exercise ofCourt services.interventions used within all ourPriorities for new research projects services was updated in order toinclude identifying the most effective compare with those which have beenways to support staff working with shown to be effective by research. Thebehaviours that may challenge (in outcome confirmed that what we weresupport of our improved retention setting out to do was in line with theobjective) and the use of smart evidence base and identified sometechnology in supporting people, approaches and interventions whichincluding the management of risky could be considered to further developbehaviours.services. 50'