b'Annual Report 2022/23HR &RecruitmentIn a persistently competitive labour market, we are addressing the challenge of attracting new talent by emphasising headhunting and specialised services to secure candidates who align with our needs. Our new advertising strategy, whichIn May 2022, we launched a mediation targets specific areas and people,service. Our objective is to create a along with proactive planning, havesafe and confidential space for two proven effective in overcoming marketparties to collaboratively achieve a competition.shared outcome through mediation.Last year, we launched aIt offers a voluntary and structured comprehensive employee benefitsprocess to assist parties in resolving package, acclaimed by the GMBconflicts. Union. This package incorporatesWe take great pride in announcingmeasures aligned with our health andthat Praxis Care was honoured as the wellbeing strategy, addressing theEmployer of the Year at the National diverse aspects of employeesLearning Disabilities and Autism physical, mental, financial and socialAwards. The judging panel health. While we acknowledge thecommended Praxis for its commitment positive reception from our staff, weto supporting staff at all levels, are committed to enhancing from the front line to the boardroom.awareness and understanding of these non-pay benefits.This year also marked the commencement of our partnership with Diversity Mark NI, aimed at assisting us in establishing anEquality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) framework and refining our approach in this regard.42'