b'The organisation retained its ISO9001:2015 status, following a successful visit in May 2022 by two BSI assessors, who recommended Praxis Cares continued re-certification. The BSI assessors stated in their report that the assessment demonstrated dedicated staff, person-centred care, excellent internal audits, further development of QGMIS with enhanced transparency for senior managers of status actions and incident reviews, and excellent analysis of data.The governance around the registration of staff with their appropriate professional body was improved with the development ofa Staff Care Register, automatically generated when staff complete an annual Staff Declaration form. This enables the organisation to be assured that its staff, where relevant, are professionally registered, and provides an early alert when staff are required to provide evidence of renewal.A number of existing processes were successfully updated to ensure their ongoing effectiveness; these included an update of the Weekly Hours system to SQL and an update of the Staffing Level Concerns form. A new Word Report Template was also successfully implemented to enable reports to be exported from the QG Platform in a standardised format. 41'