b'Annual Report 2022/23The Quality & organisations annual CHAS reaccreditation wasGovernance also successfully renewed during the year, demonstrating ourcontinued compliancewith the CHAS The organisations in-housestandards.integrated governance platform continued to evolve and develop during the year, with significant work completed in a number of key areas. introduction of the Service The implementation of an SQLAddresses function which have Database enabled an increase inbeen used to feed into other QG data volume capability in a muchplatform systems, thereby more effective manner as ithelping to increase the level of improves data accessibility andintegration throughout the speed. In addition, the use of anorganisations governance SQL Database also supports theprocesses. ability of multiple users to input intoThe QG Homepage was rebuilt to a system at the same time. make use of the new staff The framework, architecture andpermissions system and included security of the QG platform wasthe introduction of new task lists strengthened by the implementationfor staff with various levels of of the staff permissions system,responsibility. It also provided a which gives staff appropriatesystem for Directors to request a access to the platform in line withnew service code, close an their roles. This was a major pieceexisting service code, add / of work which now enablesremove service addresses and managers to manage access to there-allocate roles.QG Platform for their own staff.The structure of the QG platform was enhanced further with the 40'