b'Annual Report 2022/23OutcomesMeasurementThe OutcomesThe Outcomes ReportsMeasurement System,Pillar Group hasOMS Reports have been referred to as the OMS, representatives fromupdated during 2022. is an IT management operations and supportThe reports include tool that recordsservices across all fourservice- to demographic andjurisdictions and meets atorganisational-level outcomes informationleast quarterly. information and have about people we supportbeen designed so that from entry to exit. DuringThe Pillar Group: they are easy to access 2022/23, the OMS hasat a touch of a button. been updated withprovides feedback The reports have the improvements includingon the OMS following features:new reporting featuresfunctionalityas well as generalfilter options to selectchanges to enhance influences the future appropriateits usability. shaping of the OMSinformation by date,Outcomes are Outcomes service, jurisdiction Pillar Group Champions who are permissions so thatengaged and able users can only viewDuring 2022, theto share information relevant information toOutcomes Pillar Groupacross zones and their rolewas established with thedepartmentsaim of supportingexportable into Exceloperations and supportsupports the or Word for furtherservices to use the OMSoutcomes-setting manipulation oras an effectiveagenda across the sharing, for example,management tool fororganisation, with commissionerscapturing outcomesrecognisingthrough an individualsjurisdictional andjourney approach. service sensitivities38'