b'Annual Report 2022/23Care & Development:Great Britain And Isle Of ManOur approach across Praxis Cares services on the Isle of Man and Great Britain has been to consolidate the growth we brought forward in the previous financial year, to continue to develop the associated strengths and capabilities across our service teams and to respond positively and individually to further commissioning opportunity. Knowledge of and respect for our staffsOn the Isle of Man, we have expanded complex case working skillset andour offer to include engagement with the experience is a key driver to ourTynwald as part of their response to growth, as is each services capacity tohomelessness as well as continuing the consistently co-produce meaningfuldevelopment of our mental health and experiences and outcomes with everylearning disability pathways on island. person we work alongside.Co-production has been led out by Our focus remains invested in peoplecolleagues and those we work alongside with learning disabilities, autismon the Isle of Man across the whole of spectrum conditions, mental ill healthPraxis; we are hugely proud of this.and their associated co-morbiditiesSocial care service delivery is not without and complexities. We are continuing tochallenge. We share our portion of this deliver on our mission across ourwith the whole sector as we too battle a service offer of Empowering lives thatchallenging funding and operational are valued, meaningful and inclusive,environment. The resilience and can-do regardless of the complexity of need,approach of our service teams, our every day. corporate service colleagues and the GB/IOM service growth has tracked thepeople we work alongside to engaging in organisations as a whole. We haveand finding positive routes through this continued to innovate at the micro andcontext is inspirational. It is immensely macro levels. compelling to be involved in work of this nature and with people of such dedication and drive. Thank youto each and every one of you.30'