b'Annual Report 2022/23Celebrating Success In IrelandROI celebrated the resurgence of the Celebrating Success Awards at Mullingar Park Hotel. The event brought together 100 attendees, including staff, peers and supporters.Carol Breen, in the role ofThe ceremonyBeyond celebrating Director of Care in theshowcased 43 finalistsaccomplishments, the Republic of Ireland,through short videos,event served as a heartfelt underscored thecapturing their inspiringacknowledgment of the significance ofjourneys to diversedaily resilience and recognising theaccomplishments. Fromdedication witnessed by dedication andpersonal milestones toour staff. The lively perseverance of both theimpactful contributionsatmosphere continued remarkable individualslike outreach for thewith a spirited musical we support and ourhomeless, each storyperformance by the Viva committed staff.illuminated the richnessManila band, adding a of our communitysjoyful touch to the talents andfestivities. achievements.26'