b'Annual Report 2022/23Floating Support dementia. They provide emotional and Floating support services are short- practical support in a challenging time, term (up to two years), flexiblesignposting support opportunities and services provided to individuals infinancial entitlements that people may their own homes. Floating supportnot otherwise be aware of.services deliver housing related support aimed at maximising anCarers Advocacyindividuals independence while supporting them to maintain theirThe service operates in partnership own home. Floating support serviceswith the Belfast Trust to support those are linked to the individual and notin Belfast and surrounding areas who the accommodation meaning that ifhave caring responsibilities for people an individual moves house, thewith mental ill health. The service offers service can follow the individual assupport with the following:long as they remain in the servicesAccess to professional communitycatchment area. mental health team andwraparound psychological servicesDementia Carer Support Prompt response to requestsMade possible by a 75,000 grantfor support from the Department of Health, PraxisAccess to support groups Care has appointed a new role ofInvitation to participate inDementia Carer Coordinator. This roleresidential short breaksis unique in the sector within social care organisations and provides aSignposting to other communityservice to the general public insupport groupsNorthern Ireland. The Dementia Carer Coordinator is available to advise on community and statutory resourcesVolunteer Befriendingfor carers of people affected byPraxis Care operates a volunteer befriending scheme with over 80 matched friendships. 14'