b'Workskills/Day Activity Short Breaks Residential CarePraxis Care believes that everyPraxis Care provides short breaks for individual has a right to meaningfulchildren and adults with autism and/or activity during the day. For some, thelearning/intellectual disabilities whose development of self-help and other lifefamilies are no longer able to provide skills may be limited, however, thecare wholly in the family home. The organisation aspires to enable eachorganisation also provides short breaks individual to develop and acquire skillsfor carers to enable them to continuerelevant to adulthood and a level ofin their primary caring role. The self-reliance. The organisation hasorganisation provides short breaks developed a range of projects thateither in a residential setting or in an meet differing needs with a range ofindividuals own home.diversional and educational activities at day activity/workskills projects. These services enable access to rehabilitation, training, education, therapy and healthcare and an improved quality of life by facilitating individuals to take an active part in contributing to the economy and integrating into local communities.13'