b'Autism Elderly ServicesA wide range of dedicated supportSupported living services for older services to people with autism andpeople including people with dementia their families. Praxis Care understandsor cognitive impairment. This model of that autism affects every individualsupport enables people to maintain differently and influences how atheir independence within the living person communicates with andenvironment of their choice as well as relates to other people. Praxis Care issupporting family and primary committed to understanding eachcaregivers. individual and the unique complexities which surround their diagnosis in order to provide bespoke accommodation and support personalised to their needs. Approximate number of people supported in 2022/23461 Mental Health Services Learning/Intellectual 821Disabilities And/Or Autism Services138 Dementia Services *note that some duplicates exist for individuals who may attend multiple services, e.g., day service and supported living service11'