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Awards Recognise Supported Peoples’ Achievements

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Awards Recognise Supported Peoples’ Achievements

A gala ceremony was held in Portadown’s Seagoe Hotel. It celebrated the achievements of people being supported by Northern Ireland’s Praxis Care. The annual event marks milestones achieved by people in a variety of categories. Some of these include: the Active Citizen Award, Co-Production Award, Health and Wellbeing Award and the Milestone Mastery Award.

Two men smiling, they are shaking hands and the man on the right is holding a certificate and a medal.

Brian Moore Wins Co-Production Award

Lurgan-based Brian Moore, received the Co-Production Award from Praxis Care chairman Ken Brundle. Brian was the driving force behind the Lurgan mental health supported accommodation service’s holiday to Majorca. He had talked about his wish to travel abroad and go on a holiday ever since he joined the Lurgan service two years ago.

Brian was first at the door when staff initially mentioned trying to organise a holiday. He was there for every meeting they held to plan the trip. Brian decided the location of the holiday, and chose the hotel for the group.

Photo of 5 people posing on a boat ramp. White and yellow boat in the harbour is in the background.

Initially there were worries that Brian would not be able to go abroad himself due to physical difficulties. However, he was able to attend the holiday he planned when the time came around in September.

The Praxis Care Way

Praxis Care Director of Care Greer Wilson said the awards reflect the charity’s dedication to helping supported people lead as independent and fulfilling lives as possible.

Picture of award ceremony - man is on stage talking behind a podium with a presentation on display. Crowd watching the presentation.

“It is the Praxis Care way – everybody we support is encouraged to make decisions, to learn new skills and to lead an active life which benefits them, their families and the wider community,” says Mr. Wilson.

“We are responsible for 1,500 adults and children across Northern Ireland, Ireland, Great Britain and Isle of Man and our staff of over 1,800 share our mission to make lives better for everybody. These awards highlight the achievements of those supported people and they also acknowledge the brilliant work of our staff without whom none of these live-improving steps would be taken.”

Man and woman posing holding a Praxis purple frame. Purple and gold balloons in the background.

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