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Emma & Sean: A Praxis Care Love Story

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Emma & Sean: A Praxis Care Love Story

“This relationship makes me feel good, more confident. He calls me beautiful – I would be lost without him.”

Above: Emma (left) and Sean (right)

To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, we wanted to share the sweet story of a lovely young couple who met through our Foyle Young People’s Service.

Emma and Sean, two of the people we support from our Foyle Young People’s Service in the Foyle Area, first met through the Step Down service with Foyle Young People in December 2022, and have become inseparable since.

“A few months ago I needed support because I moved into my own flat.  Foyle Young People make a Sunday lunch every Sunday and we are invited to project and meet up with other young people on project. I look forward to going up on a Sunday, I had made new friends – this is how I met Emma. She came on step-down service a few weeks before me.  When I met Emma I liked her straight away. I love Emma’s natural good looks and her smile.”

– Sean

“I met Sean when I started coming to dinner on a Sunday to Foyle Young People. Sean approached me first and it moved on from there. I love Sean’s personality.”

– Emma

It didn’t take long after they met for the couple to know things were getting serious between them.

“I just knew we were getting serious when I started wanting to spend more time with Emma and missing her when she wasn’t there. I really missed her when I was on holiday without her.”

– Sean

For their first date they went to Quaywest restaurant for lunch and had a wonderful time – from there, their friendship quickly grew into a relationship and they haven’t looked back.

They enjoy watching movies together, whether it’s going to the cinema or sitting in at home cuddled up on the sofa – they love spending time together and just being with each other.

They also have a shared love for animals. Emma has a new kitten that Sean has been helping her with.

“We like animals. Sean likes helping with my new kitten. The kitten is hyper at the minute, and Sean is trying to train it and calm her down.”

– Emma

Both Emma and Sean talked about how their new relationship has had a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

“This relationship has made me so happy and my mental health is good because I’m happy.”

– Sean

“This relationship makes me feel good, more confident. He calls me beautiful. I would be lost without him.”

– Emma

As for the future, they’re wanting to go on their first holiday together this year – they’re planning on flying to Alicante and enjoying a lovely sunny holiday in Benidorm!

Thank you to Emma and Sean for sharing your story with us, and we hope to share many more Praxis Care love stories in future!

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