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Ella’s Story

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Ella’s Story

Adult Learning Disability and Autism Accommodation and Support Service

Ella is the mother of an individual supported by Praxis Care. Ella’s daughter was diagnosed with Autism and severe learning disabilities when she was 14 years old.

Before Praxis Care, Aisling was cared for by her family but was referred to Praxis Care in February 2017.

“Our lives are completely different since coming to Praxis Care, for me and for Aisling.

Aisling was diagnosed with Autism and severe learning disabilities at the age of 14. I would say Aisling took over our lives, in a good way, but at times it was tough. She didn’t sleep very well at night, she would wake at 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning and that would be her for the rest of the day. My husband had passed away so I was largely caring for Aisling myself with help from family members and friends, whilst looking after my two other children and running my own business. I had also held off on having an operation for a number of years, however it had reached a point where I couldn’t delay it any longer; avoiding the operation was having a negative effect on my health. That’s when a nurse in the disability service told me about Praxis Care.

Aisling moved to full time accommodation with Praxis Care in February 2017 and now she is like a different girl; she’s sleeping much better, she looks healthier, and I know for a fact that she is happier. Before Praxis all Aisling had was me, now she has 24/7 interaction with the staff and they organise activities and social events for her. I envy her social life!

My life is completely different too. I can plan now whereas before I was living by the clock, I was always looking at my watch no matter what because I would have to be home for Aisling. Even to go to the shop and get my groceries, I was totally dependent on someone being there to look after her.  Now I also get to spend quality time with my two sons which I wouldn’t have been able to previously. They live in London and Dublin so I get to visit them while knowing Aisling is being looked after here.

To anyone whose family member is thinking of coming to Praxis Care I would 100% recommend it. They have made such a big change to our lives, a good change!”

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