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Chicken Farming in Fermanagh

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Chicken Farming in Fermanagh

One of 2020’s bright spots was a new project undertaken by Bernard and Michael at Pettigo Road Kesh service.

Two men standing beside chicken coop, one on the left smiling.

Back in June, Bernard purchased a chicken coop in anticipation of the 3 salmon faverolles, donated by an anonymous local farmer, who were due to arrive the following week.

Two chickens standing on top of a chicken coop

The hens were as gorgeous as can be, amusing everyone as they scurried around the garden. The attendees named them Sarah, Amelia and Betty.

One man on the left putting food into the side of the chicken coop and two chickens standing on the door on the right

After months of Michael feeding and watering and Bernard maintaining a cozy coop for the hens, we got an update that the ladies have started laying eggs!

Two men standing in front of a white house feeding chickens, with chicken by the left side of them

Congratulations, gentlemen, on your farming success.

One man taking an egg out of the chicken coop

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