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Portadown, Locke House

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Portadown, Locke House

Portadown, Locke House is a supported living facility for adults with enduring mental illness and learning disability ranging in age from 19 years old up to 70 years plus.

Individuals are supported to live as independently as possible with their own tenancies but receive planned support from Praxis staff to improve daily living skills and build confidence and independence.

We provide:
• Group Housing with shared communal facilities (living and kitchen areas) while each individual has their own ensuite bedroom. Staff are available 24/7.
• A Flat Cluster with staff support in close proximity 24/7. Each individual flat consists of a separate kitchen and living area, bedroom and bathroom.
• Dispersed Intensively Supported Housing (DISH) where individuals are supported within a community setting with support offered during the day.
• Bespoke DISH Service for individuals with a learning disability.

There are bi-weekly drop in nights held within Locke House so all of the tenants can socialise with one another and engage with staff in an informal setting.

There are also additional activities organised every month that the tenants can participate in.

Click here for service regulator latest inspection report:

Referrals can be made by professionals such as statutory keyworkers, social workers or forensic services.