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Templemore Supported Living

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Templemore Supported Living

Templemore Supported Living is a supported living service for adults located in Derry/Londonderry.

We support adults with learning disabilities and complex physical and/or behavioural support needs.

We provide bespoke care and support packages to individuals with a learning disability/behaviours that challenge/or living with autism in their own homes. With an emphasis on promoting independence and creating opportunities so the person is part of their local community accessing resources as other citizens. This service is available 24/7.

We are dispersed service that supports individuals throughout the Derry/Londonderry area. The individuals in our service are supported to avail of various opportunities within their local community and to complete daily living tasks.

This service is funded by the WHSCT.

Referrals can be made by professionals such as statutory keyworkers/social workers.

Click here for service regulator latest inspection report